At the beginning of the Company’s history, we meet a 28 year-old merchant who was interested in science – Fritz Henzel. On September 26, 1876 he and two partners founded the company Henkel & Cie in Aachen and marketed his first product, a universal detergent based on silicate. During the following years, this German family of entrepreneurs and thousands of their employees built Henkel into a global company.

Looking back on nearly 140 years of success. Henkel vision is to become a global leader in brands and technologies. Henkel holds globally leading market positions both in the consumer and industrial sector today and is well known for brands such as persil, Schwaezkpof and Loctite. The company is organized into three globally operating business units: Laundry & Home Card, Beauty Care and Adhesive Technologies. The Dax-30 company is headquartered in Dusseldorf Germany, and proud of its almost 50,000 employees from more than 12 nations worldwide. Henkel is globally active and has as strong presence in emerging market.

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